MItAC update
- preliminary layout and annotated bibliography on Wiki, needs further work on format and will be updated as more papers are read
- further reading into tonearm physics and groove dimensional standards for 78, 33, and 45 rpm
- although summaries and references have been found relating to Columbia intial standard and RIAA standard, will ask for assistance tomorrow to find P. C. Goldmark, R. Snepvangers, and W. S. Backman. "The Columbia Long-Playing Microgroove
Systems," Recording System," Proc. IRE, vol. 37, pp. 923-927
- starting to plan software development for obtaining sound from 78rpm image, reading on vinyl physics ramping down
- further reading into tonearm physics and groove dimensional standards for 78, 33, and 45 rpm
- although summaries and references have been found relating to Columbia intial standard and RIAA standard, will ask for assistance tomorrow to find P. C. Goldmark, R. Snepvangers, and W. S. Backman. "The Columbia Long-Playing Microgroove
Systems," Recording System," Proc. IRE, vol. 37, pp. 923-927
- starting to plan software development for obtaining sound from 78rpm image, reading on vinyl physics ramping down
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